no worries
Jag pluggar i Australien under hösten 2006. Här kulturkrockar jag med allt och alla och utforska massvis av alldeles nya och uppfinningsrika sätt att göra bort mig, och delar med mig av dessa fantastiska pinsamheter till er. Grattis!
Lists, lists...
I had a feeling #4, maybe I'll write it later. My last post made some stirr, so I just want to point out that:
1) I will not hang a Swedish flag in my room.
2) I will not vore for neither Sverigedemokraterna nor Nationaldemokraterna.
3) I will not shave my head.
4) I concider having pizzerias in every street corner to be just as much part of the Swedish culture as lutfisk and dalahästar.

...and also, the comment about people staying where they came from were made on an Swedish internet forum, not by anyone I've met.

- - -

It's been a while since I wrote something... Let's start with what has happened since the last post...

Footy game: St Kilda vs Western Bulldogs

Wathcing like 40 players kicking and punching each other and an oval ball on a large oval field, together with 47 120 other people is not something you do every day.

Unless you live in Australia...

Great Ocean Road bus tour

Seeing the 12 apostles from a helicopter is not something you do every day. So is not seeing wild koalas either.

Being sick

(I was gonna keep up this "not something you do every day", but I "can't be bothered", as they say.)

Acute nasopharyngitis, often known as the common cold, is a mild viral infectious disease of the upper respiratory system (nose and throat). Symptoms include sneezing, sniffling, nasal congestion; scratchy, sore, or phlegmy throat; coughing; headache; and tiredness.

I've had the worst cold ever. My only comfort is that I can never get this particular virus again: obviously according Wikipedia, you can never get the same type of virus twice. To bad that there is like millions of different ones.

Bacteria that are normally present in the respiratory tract can take advantage of the weakened immune system during a common cold and produce a coinfection. Middle ear infection and bacterial sinusitis are common coinfections.

So the day after I was 37 AUD poorer and 10 pills of penicellin richer - and worst of all, I can't drink alcohol until wednesday. That sucks. (This saturday night was, by the way, the only night out EVER I haven't been drinking at least something...)

- - -

That's it.

I've also thought of a lot of shit that "might have been fun to write in the blog, but I can't be bothered to do that now, I'll do that later and just make a note about it somewhere"...
Actually these notes turned in to quite a long list... I'm tired of that now, so here it is =) (the titles is what I had in the list)

Things to do before you die

That's at least one list that's getting shorter...


I've always envied all those families who does a lot of travelling. So here I sat, thinking "Goddammit, why can't never anyone in my family go anywhere?" Then it hit me, that I am in Australia, my sister and her (Austrian) boyfriend is in Italy, and my family is going to Norway for the "hurtigrutten". Then I thought, "nevermind, then".


The kitchen on Frödingshöjd (where I lived before I came here), where cleaned once or twice every month by lazy and tired cleaning ladies. The kitchen here, is cleaned daily and thoroughly by optimistic and carefull professionals, but five minutes after the cleaning ladies has left, it's dirtier than the one on Frödingshöjd ever was...


First step on becoming a better huming being is to know your flaws.

I know about them all... =/

Some people here are seriosly WAY too honest. My favorite comment so far is:

"I don't think you're gonna find yourself a girlfriend here."

Note two things: I have never ever had ANY kind of intention of trying to do so, and certainly not expressed any intention of doing so. This comment was made completely "unprovoked", after regreatibly answering "nope" on the question "Do you have a girlfriend at home?"

Self confidence, down by 5 pts.

Sweden I

Missing the Swedish nature, hmm, didn't expect that to happen. Well.

Sweden II

Ut happens surprisingly often that you see someone you know, starts smiling and prepairing to say hello and all that, before you realize that the person you see in fact only looks exactly like someone you know in Sweden, and that Australia is not Sweden, and that Sweden is really, really far away.


Excuse me sir, can I get some responsibilty? Please?

Every week, I am required to attend 4 clock hours of tutorings and lectures, and at another 3 times per week, I am required to show a teacher that I have followed a four page long list of instructions telling me exacly what to do and in what order. (In total there is 16 clock hours scheduled each week.)

God dammit, it will show up on the exam and on the assignments if I understand or not anyway. Leave me alone and let me study when I want!


Spring has arrived. Yippi!

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